My plot in three acts

Act 1: Jade is cleaning her desk and discovers an old photo album. She looks through it and sees photos which trigger flashbacks. In the first photo, she sees a photo of rollerblades. A montage starts and this montage is largely based around sound (sound of rollerblades being lifted, Jade sitting on a chair, doing up both rollerblades and the final 'click' of the buckle) and then she teaches a very uncoordinated Aimee [invisible friend] how to rollerblade. They both laugh at her comical falls and inability to rollerblade. Aimee and Jade never hold hands to support eachother, hinting to the audience that something may not be right. In her next flashback, Jade sees herself at the beach splashing Aimee. They are both having a great time. The camera cuts to a lifeguard's shoulder. He only sees Jade which hints to the audience that something isn't right. Jade then gets out of the water and Aimee follows. The mood created by these two scenes is one of happiness.

Act 2: Jade's third flashback occurs because she sees a picture of a flower vase. She sees herself holding an invitation to her 70's party which is addressed to Aimee. Jade contemplates the invitation before scrunching it up and angrily tossing it onto the floor as she leaves for school. Jade's mum comes and picks it up and reads it. She smiles and excitedly runs to her husband and says 'it's working' [the audience will now start to wonder what really happened to Aimee]
In her final flashback, Jade is at her party. She looks unhappy and is passive. Her friends try and dance with her and cheer her up but do no succeed. When Jade blows out her candles, she wishes for a 'real best friend' [the audience will think that they had a fight of some sort]

Act 3: Jade's mum calls her over and Jade closes the photo album. In the kitchen, Jade is heard talking to her mum. She places a pill bottle on the table, with the label reading 'Jade Aaron. Condition: Schizophrenia' She then talks to her mum, who asks what she was doing. Jade replies that she found an old photo album and remembered Aimee. Her mum tells her that Aimee isnt real and that Jade made her up. Jade says 'I know, but our memories are unforgettable'

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