Website Evaluation
1. Who was the intended audience for your website?
The intended audience for my website are people who are interested in my film. My film’s audience is teenagers, so this website would be appropriate for a teenage audience aged 13-17
2. What was the purpose of the website (e.g. entertainment, educational, commercial)? The purpose of the website is to promote my film. There are numerous features, such as the synopsis, character bios and hidden trailer which give a sneak peak of the film. In the case of the character bios, it provides extra background information about the characters of Aimee and Jade not explained in the film. It could potentially be for entertainment purposes as there are three ‘hidden links’ around
3. Did your site cover its topic/intended purpose? Why or why not?
My site covered its topic and intended purpose, which was to promote and inform people about my film. I believe I wrote adequate information to entice someone to watch my film, without ruining it. Also, my ‘find the secret links’ concept will reveal a trailer, some ‘fun facts’ and my blog address to show my film through its pre-production, production and post-production stages.
4. How have the audience and intended purpose influenced the content of your site (e.g. in terms of language, vocabulary, graphics, media, layout of pages and overall structure of the site)?
I used fairly simple language (conversational language) and I included a lot of pictures. The structure of my site is very simple and easy to follow. I think It’s a great website for my intended audience.
5. Are headings and keywords consistent in terms of font type, colour, style and emphasis?
The headings and keywords are consistent. They are all in caps lock, and a white or grey font colour as well as same font. The only exception being the title ‘Unforgettable’ on the home page, which is in a different font in a fuchsia colour. I deliberately did this to add emphasis to the title of the film.
6. Are links logical and well-planned? How many clicks is one too many?
Last year, I learnt about the three click rule; if someone can’t find what they’re looking for within three clicks, they give up and get off the website. I made sure everything was accessible within three clicks. This even includes the secret links! E.g. find the secret links à Home àsecret trailer page. I thought this rule was very important. My website is logical and well-planned. I made use of the navigation menu bar which is displayed at the top of every page. (except splash page)
7. When you “go” somewhere, can you get back again…or are you lost in cyber-space?
If you get lost on my website, you will always be able to navigate using the menu bar at the top of every page (except splash page) which links every page back to home, character bios, photos, credits, and the ‘find the secret links’ page.
8. Is the colour scheme appropriate and aesthetically pleasing?
The colour scheme is appropriate. The grey background suits nicely with the white text. On the home page, ‘Unforgettable’ is written in fuchsia and contrasts against the grey background. I believe my colour scheme is aesthetically pleasing also because I used contrasting colours and the text is easy to read.
9. Have you considered an appropriate name for your film?
I called my film ‘Unforgettable’ because that’s the last word Jade says in the movie. Also, she cannot forget a memory, and she can’t change it so that she forgets her invisible friend Jade.