This term...

Hello again,

In week 1, Mr Powell introduced us to animation-ish. He showed us how to create a bouncing ball. I tried drawing mine on the trackpad (we didn't have the tablets yet!) but unforunately I failed in producing a circular shape. I was pretty frustrated but luckily the next lesson... THE TABLETS CAME!!! They were such a life saver! I drew a really quick animation of 'Bob and his magic shoes' which I'm planning to finish. It looks fairly basic. I feel more comfortble with the program than last year,since we only did animation-ish for the last 3 weeks of the term!

Next lesson we're drawing walking characters which I'll probably find tedious (like the fromu in the first few weeks of last term) but it'll be essential for a good final product! (like my Mennemmas!)

Right now, I'm trying to get a good inspiration. I already know what I want to do for my stop motion video but not for animation-ish yet.

I'm thinking of maybe doing George the blob who doesn't know who he is and he goes around the world trying to be another animal and seeing which one he likes most. George ends up morphing into a ___ snowman? Turtle? Okapi?